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What are Labour's policy commitments fir this Parliament ?

Can anyone list or point me to a list of the policies that Starmer has promised the Labour Party will legislate for and commit to delivering in this Parliament ?By this I mean policies that have some measurable base and target and are not just woolly platitudes such as Miliband's 'tackling the climate crisis that imperils our world'.Though to be fair to him he did make a measurable promise that we would have 'zero carbon electricity by 2030' which would then save families “up to £300” on their bills per year'.So that's one to watch out for.There will also be a 'The Railway Services Bill - bringing our railways back into public ownership.'Now that will raise a cheer from every £65,000 a year (plus pension and other benefits) train driver.Also especially for their leader Mick Lynch whose annual renumeration package is worth some £124,886 -  a £89,962 gross salary, Employers' NI contributions of £11,590 and pension contributions of £23,334.Will he take a pay cut as he will be negotiating, not with the wicked Tories, but with the Party which shares his political viewpoint and which he supports and is thus more likely to give him what he asks for ?An improvement in service will doubtless result from this Bill with performance targets set, monitored and published one hopes.Furthermore we have been promised an improvement in the NHS presumably in terms of efficiency and outputs.Again we should look for targets and measured achievements.Though no member of the Government has any experience in working in business or industry, one hopes they will adopt many of their performance measurement approaches.

John Hawkes ● 31d12 Comments ● 29d

Is Starmer Unfit For The Job?

There's a very insightful article about Starmer written by Peter Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday. It is behind a paywall so I have copied it below. Look away now if you think Starmer a top man in the top job ...Can it be that the Great Prosecutor Starmer is a colourless empty nobody unfit for the top?Is it possible that Sir Keir Starmer simply isn't up to the job the Labour Party tried so hard to get for him? Anyone who observes modern politics knows that many who now struggle to the top of the greasy pole are deeply unwonderful. I am always amused by journalists who boast of their conversations with 'ministers', as if such people are especially intelligent, informed or talented. Most of them are dullard careerists who hope for an easy route to wealth and status.How could Sir Keir, for instance, not have realised that his childlike readiness to accept shiny gifts was a danger childlike readiness to accept shiny gifts was a danger? Honestly, free suits for him and free dresses for his wife? VIP seats at concerts and football matches? This would be a very cheap price to accept for your soul, if you thought you had one, as he doesn't. Perhaps the free glasses failed to improve his vision and made him unable to spot approaching disaster.We are always told he is the great prosecutor, but really, is heading a staff of trained lawyers, with all the prestige and money of the state on your side, so hard? I'd be more impressed if he were a penniless defence counsel who won his cases against the odds.I've many times drawn attention to Sir Keir's past as a wooden-headed, hard-Leftist, revolutionary dogmatist. He doesn't actually disown this past, though nobody has ever properly questioned him about it. He's still an atheist, perhaps the flattest and most boring world-view known to man. It is empty of hope or depth, based on the view that the universe is nothing but a cosmic car crash in which nothing can therefore matter very much.Amazingly (to me anyway) he confessed before the election that he does not have a favourite book or a favourite poem. Some people say he was afraid of getting into trouble if he revealed such things. But I believe him. He acts at all times as if he has no imagination, and no poetry. It is in the imagination that we work out how our actions will affect others, and with poetry we surprise ourselves by finding out what really moves us.We also know he has an unfavourite work of art, a painting of Margaret Thatcher that so got on his nerves that he had it put in some (as yet unidentified) boxroom. This is in the same class as the leaden decision of his equally colourless Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, to tolerate no paintings in the State Room in 11 Downing Street, except pictures of or by women.When he felt safe to do so, he used to call for the abolition of the monarchy, another crude and unpoetic opinion. Now that this position would lose him votes, he mumbles vaguely nice things about the monarch and accepts various honours from the Crown. But I haven't heard him say he actually prefers a constitutional monarchy to a republic. He has also followed the Blairite practice of displaying Union Jacks everywhere, in the hope that this will fool people into thinking Labour is a traditionalist, patriotic party. But what do you think he really thinks?And this is why he is making such a mess. He has long-term dogmatic aims – his Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson, for example, is pursuing those with vigour and spite. But he only ever wanted to be Chief Commissar and Chief Bureaucrat. The ancient splendours of Downing Street, as the King's First Minister, as heir of Pitt, Wellington, Disraeli, Gladstone, Lloyd George and Churchill, mean little to him. He is an uninteresting man, scuttling about in vast echoing halls and chambers built for far bigger people.

Sue Hammond ● 34d13 Comments ● 29d

Sir Shameless

Sir Shameless is at it AGAIN! Hours after Wardrobegate erupted, PM and Sue Gray enjoy Spurs freebie with lobbyist who backed hated breakaway football super league and advises tax-avoiding tech giants.The freebie row engulfing Sir Keir Starmer deepened tonight as it was revealed that he shared lavish football hospitality with a powerful lobbyist who backed the hated breakaway Super League.Tickets were funded by Spurs, one of the six clubs which mounted the 2021 attempt to leave the Premier League – a plan that was abandoned following a furious reaction from fans.The Prime Minister and his embattled chief of staff Sue Gray enjoyed a corporate box at Tottenham Hotspur last Sunday, just hours after fresh ‘Wardrobegate’ allegations emerged about clothes Sir Keir and his wife had taken from Labour donor *Lord Alli.Sitting next to Ms Gray – who is facing open revolt in No 10 over her management style – was Katie Perrior, the founder and chair of iNHouse Communications, which worked on the attempt to form the Super League. Other clients include tech giants such as Google, who have been criticised for their legal tax avoidance.Sir Keir’s party for Tottenham’s clash with his beloved Arsenal also included Foreign Secretary David Lammy.. Keir has received many more freebies than any other MP since becoming Labour leader, receiving £107,145-worth since 2019. *Lord Alli was the biggest donor, giving the equivalent of £39,122, including accommodation worth £20,437

Sue Hammond ● 35d19 Comments ● 34d

Private & Public

In the UK we have a crazy world where private things are considered public & vice versa.Should the government have made the cut to winter Fuel allowance? No. Taxable? Probably Yes.We are now in the weird situation where private companies that profit from the privatised flawed energy market can give some money back to consumers.Let's be straight Octopus is one of the better companies when it comes to customer services - not flawless I have some outstanding issues with them that have lasted months. Not to mention you can't really alter your direct debit even if you are in credit by quite a few bob.That aside this may help some if you are a Octopus customer.But should private companies be offering non regulated discounts based on age or is this just clever marketing that they have to follow?I do not know - it may however help some people."Octopus assist - apply for free winter fuel payment if you won’t receive it from government this year - Claim £50, £100 and £200..How do I apply for help through Octopus Assist?We’ll ask you to share some information about your health, any vulnerabilities, income and monthly costs so we can work out the best ways we can help you. Applying is quick and straightforward, and you can do it online, over the phone, or by mail.We’ll also check if you’re entitled to any other government support or benefits (which for some customers, add up to £10,000 a year) and can help you apply. More on that below."

Ed Robinson ● 44d2 Comments ● 43d

Notting Hill Carnage

The annual drugs-and-stab fest has ended but with the inevitable shameful criminality and carnage:'Police reveal more Notting Hill Carnival carnage with more than 330 people now arrested, while there have been eight stabbings leaving three people fighting for their lives - including a 32-year-old mother who was there with her child.Officers recovered firearms at the festival and during a traffic stop in Harrow involving individuals believed to be on their way to Notting Hill.And 35 officers were injured as they were deployed in their thousands to monitor the annual street party - for which local businesses board up windows in anticipation of the chaos that accompanies it every year.Monday's Notting Hill Carnival arrests in full 49 x possession of an offensive weapon37 x assault on an emergency worker8 x sexual offences9 x violence with injury15 x other violencePolice have confirmed that a total of 104 arrests were made on Sunday - 18 of which were for possession of an offensive weapon. 18 officers were also assaulted in ugly scenes On Monday, another 230 arrests were made for a variety of offences - the majority for possession of an offensive weapon, possession of class B drugs and assault on an emergency worker.A handful of sexual offences, violence and theft crimes were also reported and arrests made.'Time to end, or at least move this shameful event to a large open area such as Hyde Park where it can be policed more effectively. I trust all the arrested offenders will be fast-tracked through the Courts like the recent JSO offenders? The criminal 'stabbers' should receive an immediate custodial sentence of 5 years, in my opinion.

Sue Hammond ● 61d65 Comments ● 56d