Call for Candidates for Commons Conservators

Elections to be held next March for five places on the Trustee board

Putney Common
Putney Common. Picture: Andrew Wilson

November 3, 2023

The next election for Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators (WPCC) will take place in March next year.

Five of the eight conservators are directly elected by levy payers every three years with the last vote having being held in 2021. The Board has set the closing date for the receipt of completed ballot papers for the 2024 election as Wednesday 6 March.

To be eligible to stand, prospective candidates must be on the local council electoral register and live within three-quarters of a mile of Wimbledon Common/Putney Heath or in the old parish of Putney.

The Conservators are required to attend regular board meetings and take responsibility for shaping the future of the two Commons and must be committed to ensuring they remain a natural green space.

It is thought likely that candidates will come forward opposed to the proposed above inflation rise in the levy.

Prospective candidates will be able to find details of the process involved in becoming a candidate together with the critical dates on the WPCC website which also has links to download a Candidate Brief and Application Pack.

The Board has published Election Guidelines and Procedures for the 2024 election which can be downloaded here: Election Guidelines and Procedures.

Ballot papers will automatically be distributed to eligible voters by the appointed election scrutineer, Civica Election Services Limited, at the beginning of February 2024; votes may be cast via post or online.

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