University study into ghostly TV, films or websites seeks participants
Researchers from the University of Westminster are conducting a study on television programmes such as Most Haunted, Derren Brown’s Trick of the Mind, or related television, films or websites.
During April 2008 they would like to interview people (for one and a half hours, with others) about these programmes. They are interested in discussing what people think of ghost investigations, mediums, magic and illusions in the media.
This is a non-commercial project, led by Annette Hill who is writing a book about ghosts in contemporary society and culture. Please be assured your confidentiality would be respected and no names would be used in the project.
The group interviews will take place over a series of evenings from Monday 7th April to Thursday 24th April, with the first session from 6pm-7.30pm and the second session from 8pm-9.30pm in the University’s Regent Street building at 309, Regent Street, London, W1B 2UW. You would only be required to attend one of the sessions.
Light snacks will be provided and £20 will be paid to each participant as a 'thank you'.
If you are interested in taking part, email Lizzie Jackson at indicating your interest and giving your contact details including the best telephone number to call you on, and a good time of day to call. They will telephone you to ask a few initial questions and organise a time for you to attend the group interviews.
March 10, 2008