Future of Charing Cross Hospital remains uncertain

NHS Trust downgraded for poor financial management

Hammersmith & Fulham’s health and social care scrutiny panel has called for an update from the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust about the future of its health service delivery.  The Trust, who are responsible for both Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals, have been asked to update the panel on its transition towards foundation status and its financial recovery plan in addition to outlining a number of options for the future of service delivery from these hospitals. 

Council leader Stephen Burke said "The future of Charing Cross hospital in particular is a high profile issue and we are aware residents have concerns - which is why the panel requested this report. We are opposed to the closure of hospitals at Charing Cross and Hammersmith. Our concern is about driving up the quality of care which residents receive from the NHS."

However, following news that Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust has been downgraded from a three star to a two star service, local MP Greg Hands has called for any plans for a major reorganisation to be abandoned.

Last year, the Hospitals Trust was awarded the top three stars available, however due a failure to meet the standards for financial management has seen their rating drop this year. The national ratings show that NHS finances are close to meltdown. One quarter of NHS trusts failed to break even last year and even more are facing deficits this year.

Hands said “The past few months have been extremely turbulent for the local Hospitals Trust – with the threatened closure or severe downsizing of Charing Cross Hospital on the agenda. The downgrading of the Trust’s star rating for failing to meet financial management standards must be taken as a sign that Trust bosses should get the ship into order, not embark on unnecessary and unwarranted major restructuring.”

At a recent meeting with Derek Smith, Chief Executive of the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust, Hands discovered that in order to maintain and update the buildings at both Charing Cross Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital it would cost £400 million. The Trust also revealed that £270 million would need to be spent on Hammersmith Hospital, with just £130 million required for Charing Cross Hospital.

The scrutiny panel's hearing will take place in September.




July 28, 2005