Can I have A Bedtime Story?

Learn to Love to Read launches crowdfunding for bedtime story kits

Can you help children have a cosy bedtime with a bedtime story kits

With the help of the Aviva community fund local charity Learn to love to read will be able to buy 30 story kits: enough for each class they work with in their partner schools.

Your help will mean that every child the charity works with will have the chance to enjoy a story, a hot chocolate and a cuddle with a friendly teddy.

What difference will your help make?

27% of children left primary school in 2019 unable to read at the expected level and it is estimated that there are nine million working aged adults in England with low literacy or numeracy skills or both. (DfE 2019 and OECD 2016)

A third of businesses in the UK are not satisfied with young people’s literacy skills when they enter the workforce and a similar number have organised remedial training for their recruits to improve basic skills. (National Literacy Trust 2018)

At the age of three there is already a gap in language skills, measured using ‘months of development’, of almost a year and a half between children from the best-off and poorest families. (Read on Get on, 2014)

1 in 8 of the nation’s most disadvantaged children say they don’t have a book of their own at home yet children who own a book are 15 times more likely to read above the level expected for their age and are four times less likely to read below the expected level. (National Literacy Trust, 2017)

Children learn to read when reading is fun and happens regularly at home and at school. With the bedtime story kits the children Learn to love to read work with at partner schools in Wandsworth Borough will be able to curl up at night with a good story, a hot chocolate and a teddy to cuddle.

And together you'll be beating child illiteracy - to donate click here.

March 4, 2020