A Clutter Free 2012

Help the environment - and help yourself too!

West London residents can get rid of their clutter and unwanted Christmas presents and take home what they really need at a series of Stuff for Free events in January.

Vision Warehouse 15, on Kendal Avenue in Acton will be the site of these unique community events where people can drop off any unwanted stuff and those who are feeling the pinch after Christmas can pick up household items they may need.

What’s more, they’ll be helping the environment. By re-using things instead of throwing them away, residents will be helping to save landfill space, reduce fly tipping and save valuable resources.

Green charity Healthy Planet is running the events to raise awareness of environmental issues and reduce the amount of unwanted goods going to landfill.

Shaylesh Patel, founder of Healthy Planet said: “Stuff for Free encourages re-use and reduces landfill so you’ll be helping the environment and helping yourself. This is an exciting development and the largest scale one in the country. Redistributing was the most difficult and the forgotten R in reduce-reuse-repair-recycle. It comes first out of what should be known as the environmental 5Rs. It reduces resource use on new stuff and encourages re-use before the item needs to go for Recycling.

“It’s a logical next step from our highly successful www.booksforfree.org.uk idea that is operating in over 20 centres around the country. By working with key partners to host events such as these we can all improve both the global environment - by reducing landfill - and the local environment, by using empty units such as the Vision event-spaces for the community”.

From the 12 to 22 January from 8am until 12 midday (9am to 3pm weekends) residents and businesses alike can bring along any unwanted items that are still in good enough condition for others to want and use including books, furniture, gadgets and other household items. This includes both working and broken electrical items, thanks to DHL Envirosolutions, who will take away all the broken electrical equipment to be recycled.

Then from 27 to 29 January from 9am until 3pm, after a team of volunteers have sorted through the donated stuff, anyone can come along and take items they want, for free.

The events are being run in partnership with Furnish, a West London re-use charity, who will also have some lines of furniture for sale at a discount and the West London Waste Authority.

Full details – including directions to the venue – can be found at: www.stuffforfree.org.uk.

12 January 2012