Keep your dogs out of Beverly Brook

currently polluted with red diesel

The Ranger's Office has advised us that there has been a spillage of red diesel in the Beverley Brook. They have reported the matter to the Environment Agency and they are looking into where the spillage originates. The spillage appears to have originated upstream from the Commons.

The smell of diesel is quite obvious and the water should be avoided. Dog-walkers are advised not to let their dogs into the Brook. The Brook runs through Wimbledon Common along the Playing Fields, and then through Richmond Park, before eventually coming back onto the Common at Putney Lower Common.

16.30 hrs: the Environment Agency has informed the Rangers that they have discovered the source of the leak - somewhere in Rayne's Park - and have a clean-up operation in process.  They expect the Brook to be clear again in approximately 24 hours.

We will keep this page updated when we hear more......

May 10, 2007