Winner in TfL's Bus Garage of the Year awards
The staff at the Putney garage, operated by Go-Ahead, impressed the panel of judges with their commitment to providing a high-quality of service to passengers and picked up a prize of £5,000. The commerative plaque was unveiled on 11th May.
Judges were assessing entrants on a number of criteria including quality of service indicators, engineering standards, level of public comments and the results of surveys by mystery travellers.
The award of £5,000 was used to upgrade the current facilities to provide a brand new recreation area and a dedicated prayer room. Other factors considered included vehicle cleanliness, graffiti, window etching, staff attitude as well as the smoothness of ride experienced by passengers.
The team of 440 staff based at the garage, in Chelverton Road, said that they are a very close team and often compete in informal sports tournaments together.
Colin Langford, General Manager of Putney bus garage said:
“We were delighted and surprised to win especially considering there was very strong competition. Everyone in the garage is thrilled and the day we won, you could hear staff talking as they signed on. They all wanted to see the trophy.”
left to right Alan McCormack - Operating Manager , Martin Packer - Assistant Operating Manager , Colin Langford & Gill Tynan
(holding the certificate)
- General Managers, John Hanby - Engineering Manager , David Brown - Managing Director of Surface Transport, Terry Hale - Union Representitive, Alphena Brown - Bus Driver
David Brown, Transport for London’s Managing Director for Surface Transport said: “Congratulations to all the staff at Putney garage and thank you for all your hard work. Their commitment to delivering a high standard of service to all passengers is an example to us all.
“Londoners make more than six million journeys on London’s buses each day and the quality of service is under constant scrutiny. We are committed to providing the best service possible but this would be impossible without the dedication of staff across the network.”
May 18, 2007