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Why have Labour been so incompetent?

A list of some of Labour's errors since taking office:abandoning the Rwanda schemegiving striking doctors and train drivers inflationary pay awardswithdrawing winter fuel allowancepausing free speech protection in universitiesimposing the National Curriculum on AcademiesImposing IHT on family farmsraising employers' NI contributionsextending day-one employment rightsimposing a football regulatorgiving away the Chagos islandscancelling North Sea oil and gas explorationimposing VAT on private schoolsagreeing to enforce an ICC arrest warrant on Netanyahu.The cause of these unforced errors is to be found in Labour's move away from state socialism to what Tony Blair called ethical socialism, an ideology based on a market economy but characterised by a series of  anti-isms - anti-elitism, anti-racism, anti-colonialism, anti-sexism, anti-nationalism and so on. These 'anti-isms' are not wrong in themselves but are pursued with such unthinking fervour that they run counter to the government's economic objectives and the nation's interests and actually cause injustice.The anti-elitist strain in Labour, for example, regards successful entrepreneurs with suspicion, equating profit with exploitation. This has led to Rachel Reeve's decision to increase employers' NI contributions as well as to extend day-one employment rights for workers. These measures will result in reduced investment and slow growth, the very opposite of the government supposedly wants to achieve.. Anti-elitist ideology is also responsible for the unjust decision to impose VAT on private schools, a measure which will force parents of modest means to withdraw their children from efficient and much-loved schools even when adequate state provision is lacking. It is also behind the decision to impose unaffordable IHT bills on family farms, which will compel many asset-rich but income-poor farmers to sell up, jeopardising food production in this country.   

Steven Rose ● 10d18 Comments

'Labour are opposed to nationalism but only when applied to this country. Yet they are happy to respect the nationalist aspirations of other countries, even at the cost of British interests'.Labour is a Party when it comes to foreign affairs, predicated on the gratification of self guilt for actions that happened in the past.It all goes back to our creation of the BRITISH Empire and how TERRIBLY we treated and exploited the inhabitants of those that were indigenous to the countries in it.France took the uninhabited island of Mauritius in 1715, renaming the island "Isle de France". In 1810, the United Kingdom seized the island, and four years later, under the Treaty of Paris, France ceded Mauritius and its dependencies to the United Kingdom. Mauritius became the British Empire's main sugar-producing colony and remained a primarily sugar-dominated plantation-based colony until independence, in 1968.In 1965, the UK split the Chagos Archipelago from British Mauritius to create the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). The local population was forcibly expelled and the largest island, Diego Garcia, was leased to the United States.Overall the country and its associated islands are claimed to be strategic to the UK's and the US' defence, hence the wariness of China's and Iran's interest in them.In these troubled times of international discord and competition I believe we should take any steps to maintain the status quo and support Trump in his efforts to do the same.The British Empire has gone !Note views of many Chargossians - BBC Website"Chagossians' concerns as UK hands over islands"'The joint statement made by the UK and Mauritian prime ministers on Tuesday marked the end of decades of negotiations between the countries.Chagossians were forced to leave their homeland, and many settled in Crawley in West Sussex, when Britain bought the islands in the Indian Ocean in the 1960s and a United States-leased military base was established.Through a translator, local Chagossian Antoine Le Mettre said: "We want to know what will happen to our future generations that want to stay in England."He explained there were still Chagossians who wanted to come to the UK and were planning to arrive in the coming months.In 2023, the BBC reported that a community of 3,000 Chagossians had already settled in the West Sussex town.The year before the UK government launched a British citizenship route for people of Chagossian descent'.

John Hawkes ● 9d