you have exhausted (us mainly !) your supply of posts on the evils committed by others that result in climate change and also those regarding bicycles.Thus you are starting again to remind us how innocent, downtrodden and oppressed you think the Palestinians are (including Hamas in Gaza I assume) and how evil are the Israelis.We know what your position is regarding this conflict and you are becoming rather a bore on the topic to those who understand the situation to be more complex than you realise. I notice you continually quote Orwell, taking him by implication as an ally.But he was more sophisticated than you realise.The Middle East currently mirrors Orwellian satire. Orwell suggested that through propaganda, citizens could be manipulated into believing that war is peace. It's also conceivable that when war becomes too commonplace, people adapt to it, and it no longer seems unusual.'War is peace' (or at least not having to put in the hard graft of building a democratically elected, economically viable state) certainly sums up the lifestyle choice of the Islamists you support.
John Hawkes ● 58d