@PollyannaNo newborn baby needs to go without clothes if it is born in a hospital, as the vast majority are. If the Mother doesn't have a partner or any relatives who can provide some clothes and other essentials for the baby, I am sure the hospital welfare team would step in and contact Adult Social Services on her behalf. Alternatively she could do this herself on her iPhone (other Smartphones are available.) If the Father of the child still hasn't appeared to say hello to his offspring (aka buggeree off) and to support his child, and Mummy cannot work, Social Services will advise her on all the Benefits she is entitled to, and how to claim them.I agree that talking and reading to children is essential and this should start from day 1 for maximum enrichment and enjoyment and is of huge benefit to the child. Young single Mums in particular must put their phones aside and get as few books in, easily available from charity shops for very little money. Or she could even join a Library! Mum must resist the temptation to buy the child a phone even or a tablet and leave said child in front of it for hours on end. It is an easy option admittedly but taking the child out for a walk in a park would be of so much benefit to both of them. As the child grows it will, of course, require more and more clothes which can be very expensive, especially if a child wants the latest Designer gear to keep up with its mates. However Mum could buy secondhand school uniforms and scour the many charity shops for decent pre-owned clothes. Moral of the story: no child needs to go naked!
Sue Hammond ● 10d