Yes, Richard, if looking at the speeds the do on our road is anything to go by, many drivers do speed.To say the 80% of drivers speed is, in all honesty, poppycock. Perhaps it would have been more truthful to say that 80% of the drivers they interviewed did so. That is a far cry from 80% of all drivers in the country (I assume that is what they meant, the whole country).They do not indicate lack of enforcement, for example. Of course, there are speed cameras on the main roads but not on side roads.Did you know? According to the Highway Code and the Metropolitan Police, speeding cars are those that are travelling above the threshold, meaning speed limit + 10% +2. In 20mph roads, that would mean cars travelling at 25mph and above.However, on Putney Hill near the intersection with Westleigh Avenue, if you are travelling above 23mph you receive a Notice of Intended Prosecution. Apparently, that is what Sadiq Khan decided - do not know when. I would not disagree, but why not publish such decisions so everyone knows what the true rules are?And, by the way, it is high time that cyclists were fined / prosecuted for jumping red lights, not stopping at pedestrian crossings, cycling at speeds higher than 23mph.
Ivonne Holliday ● 60d