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It's strange how the Remain brigade are all pro-EU but object about adopting some of thir Best Practices.Fines for cyclists You can be fined if you don't follow the rules as a cyclist. Bicycle fines are expensive because they ensure the traffic's safety and other road users. We give you a handy overview of the most common cyclist fines that apply from March 1, 2024 (without €9 administrative costs). No reflectors on your pedals: €45.No reflectors on your wheels: €45. No working bell: €45.No (working) lights: €70 (€75 from January 1, 2025). No working brakes: €70.Turning without indicating direction: €45. Not staying on the right side of the road: €120.Not stopping for a red traffic light: €120.Cycling against the indicated direction: €70.Biking on the bus lane: €70.Overtaking just before or on a crosswalk: €180.Overtaking someone on the right: €120.Biking on the highway or motorway: €190 (€200 from January 1, 2025). Holding a phone or other communication devices while cycling: €160 (€170 from January 1, 2025). Biking under the influence of alcohol: €200.Not stopping for a stop sign from the police: €180.Not giving priority when you need to stop for a stop (road) marking: €45.Not giving priority when you need to stop for a 'stop' sign: €120.Not giving priority when you need to stop for 'sharks' teeth (a row of triangles with sharp ends pointing to you): €120.Not giving priority to a bus at a bus stop: €70.Not giving priority to a tram: €120.Not giving priority to a blind person (with a white stick): €180.Not giving priority to a pedestrian at a crosswalk: €180.

Ed Robinson ● 60d