I have to pay to park my car on the street. Why don't scooters? We have scooters parked free of charge occupying space where cars could be parked. This isn't fair.
Ronald Leslie Redfern ● 62d6 Comments
There owned.
Barbara Stevens ● 58d
"We have scooters parked free of charge occupying space where cars could be parked."Charge the hire firms?
David Ainsworth ● 58d
Probably moped, or motor bikes. Also bikes with children carriers on the front or back. They don't pay.
Do you mean mopeds or e-scooters?
Paul Corcoran ● 58d
Get a scooter. That'll show them
Sean Hodges ● 61d
I agree, and bikes with large baby carriers on them, taking up space in the road.
Barbara Stevens ● 62d