We should all remember Hanlon's razor:-"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."Unless you disagree, of course.
David Ainsworth ● 64d5 Comments
"If it’s quote after quote, I just don’t even bother anymore." I'm sure that you will be happier. Stick with Ms Hammond. She knows.
David Ainsworth ● 64d
Not something I've come across before. More background https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor
Michael Ixer ● 64d
I find virtually everything David writes such hard work to read. If it’s quote after quote, I just don’t even bother anymore.
Martine Guy ● 64d
He's rambling again. Trying to be clever but failing miserably. Again.
Sue Hammond ● 64d
What on earth are you talking about?