Farage Doesn't Need Musk
In my opinion. When Musk first proposed donating $100M to 'make' Farage our next PM the outrage of the left wing media was quite extraordinary, and a few on this forum were quite miffed too.😁Now there are certain presenters on LBC who have the mindset that Reform is now doomed to failure without Musk's money (you can hear the glee in their voices) and that the Party will inevitably fade away now that Musk has decided that 'Farage is not up to the job'. Complete crap! I have watched all Reform's Conferences on livestream, from the first one at the NEC in November, and more recently regional events in Leicester and Exeter and the enthusiasm for Farage is amazing. The events are always sold out as soon as the tickets go online and on the evening there is a fantastic buzz of positivity in the hall. Whatever Musk says will cut no ice with NF's supporters, if anything it will make them even more determined to ensure Farage is our next PM. The general feeling from his supporters is to tell Musk to shove his money where the sun don't shine because Farage will be in No.10 without his interference.
Sue Hammond ● 65d10 Comments