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The first mention of "grooming" on the Forum?

The first mention of "grooming" on the Forum was apparently in 2014. It was by Iftikhar Ahmad whom some may remember. "Sexual Grooming Forum HomePosted by: Iftikhar AhmadDate/Time: 27/06/14 15:40:00Sexual GroomingChildren as young as 10 are being sexually exploited by organised gangs of men in cities across the UK, a leading charity says.Barnardo's says it is working with more than 1,000 children who have been groomed, abused and trafficked for money, and the problem is growing. This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are having babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies.Why don't we just report the rapes, rather than have to say MUSLIM rapes? When non Muslims commit rapes, do we say white rapists, Christian rapists etc? So why the need to label?  Or is it only when a rapist happens to be Muslim, some of us feel the need for whatever reason, to say MUSLIM rapist? When grooming paedophiles happen to be white (btw this is the MAJORITY), nobody mentions that either, or saying hmmm we need to study why so many white men take part in grooming little girls. But if it happens to be a Muslim or Asian, oh well, we must say Muslim, we must say Asian, and we must study why these things are happening amongst their community, lol, what a load of baloney. Sadly, many people don't actually care about the rapes itself, they want to politicise the rapes as a means to target specific communities, i.e. Muslims, Asians etc.Under the law of Islam, the punishment for rapist is "stoned to death" in public by public --- no matter what religion the criminal is affiliated. Rape is considered as a serious offense in Islam warranting death to offenders, more than just "illegal sexual intercourse" commonly known as adultery."There is much more, but this first part seems enough.

David Ainsworth ● 66d1 Comments

'Under the law of Islam, the punishment for rapist is "stoned to death" in public by public --- no matter what religion the criminal is affiliated. Rape is considered as a serious offense in Islam warranting death to offenders, more than just "illegal sexual intercourse" commonly known as adultery."But it appears the Rotherham rapists were treated rather more leniently."Five of the six members of one of the most depraved Rotherham grooming gangs have been released or have parole hearings coming up" -  MailOnline  6 January 2024.'Just seven years after the gang was put behind bars for sexually abusing two girls they plied with alcohol and cannabis in 2017 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, most of the men are free or have imminent parole hearings.The town was at the heart of the sex abuse scandal and a number of vile gangs were snared as part of a major police operation investigating the abuse and trafficking of up to 1,400 girls in the area.But despite widespread revulsion for their sickening crimes, three members of one Rotherham gang, who were jailed for offences that took place between 1999 and 2001 in the city, have already been released on licence.This is despite the three monsters who sexually abused young girls - Tayab Dad, Amjad Ali, and Matloob Hussain - being handed jail sentences of between 10 and 13 years for rape and sexual intercourse with a girl under 13.Two other members of the gang - Nasar Dad and Mohammed Sadiq - have been referred to the Parole Board and will be listed within the next few weeks for hearings that will be heard within months.A three person parole panel has the power to recommend the two men be released. If freed, this will just leave Basharat Dad, the ringleader of the vile group, who was caged for 20-years'.Note the comment of the judge when they were convicted -"The role of the perpetrators’ religion in these crimes remains a sensitive issue in British politics, which many politicians are clearly wary of addressing. Yet it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this was an important factor in at least some of the crimes. Notably, in 2012, Judge Gerald Clifton, who sentenced members of the Rochdale ‘grooming gang’ at Liverpool Crown Court, said: ‘All of you treated them [the victims] as though they were worthless and beyond respect. I believe that one of the factors that led to that was they were not of your community or religion’.I wonder if the Labour Home Secretary is considering whether these people can be deported back to Pakistan ?Probably not and were she to do so a decision would probably be denied by the ECHR as a denial of their right to 'family life' (Lol).And regarding the point 'When grooming paedophiles happen to be white (btw this is the MAJORITY) nobody mentions that' it is probably true on an individual basis as the mjority of the population is white.But is there evidence of widespread white 'grooming gangs' behaving as did those of Pakistani origin ?And before certain Posters point out the obvious that not all Pakistani men act in this way the real issue is the cultural and racial attitudes that seems to drive the behaviour in this regard of a good number of them.Has multi-culturism failed and if what is reported is an instance of it, should it be a basic tenet of our society ?

John Hawkes ● 65d