The first mention of "grooming" on the Forum?
The first mention of "grooming" on the Forum was apparently in 2014. It was by Iftikhar Ahmad whom some may remember. "Sexual Grooming Forum HomePosted by: Iftikhar AhmadDate/Time: 27/06/14 15:40:00Sexual GroomingChildren as young as 10 are being sexually exploited by organised gangs of men in cities across the UK, a leading charity says.Barnardo's says it is working with more than 1,000 children who have been groomed, abused and trafficked for money, and the problem is growing. This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are having babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies.Why don't we just report the rapes, rather than have to say MUSLIM rapes? When non Muslims commit rapes, do we say white rapists, Christian rapists etc? So why the need to label? Or is it only when a rapist happens to be Muslim, some of us feel the need for whatever reason, to say MUSLIM rapist? When grooming paedophiles happen to be white (btw this is the MAJORITY), nobody mentions that either, or saying hmmm we need to study why so many white men take part in grooming little girls. But if it happens to be a Muslim or Asian, oh well, we must say Muslim, we must say Asian, and we must study why these things are happening amongst their community, lol, what a load of baloney. Sadly, many people don't actually care about the rapes itself, they want to politicise the rapes as a means to target specific communities, i.e. Muslims, Asians etc.Under the law of Islam, the punishment for rapist is "stoned to death" in public by public --- no matter what religion the criminal is affiliated. Rape is considered as a serious offense in Islam warranting death to offenders, more than just "illegal sexual intercourse" commonly known as adultery."There is much more, but this first part seems enough.
David Ainsworth ● 66d1 Comments