To help keep our fields free of bee-keeping pesticides, could you please sign this 38 degrees petition? Thank you.
Ivonne Holliday ● 69d4 Comments
Signed. Thanks Yvonne
Jane Carter ● 67d
"For four years in a row the previous Government ignored its own scientific experts and allowed dangerous bee-killing pesticides - neonicotinoids - onto British fields. You're new in the role and in Government, please do better than your predecessors and refuse this year's application to allow neonicotinoids to be used - with no exemptions."Why is the UK still allowing this?It's high time it stopped and we moved on. Too many bee-keeping friends have no longer got any bees. It seems neonics disrupt their navigational skills and they can't find their way home.
Philippa Bond ● 67d
Already signed, but thank you, Ivonne, for drawing attention to this. I agree it is SO important.
Judy Allen ● 69d
Michael Ixer ● 69d