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Now, now, Richard.....The service of buses has been beyond appalling of late.  Nothing to do with cars!  Why reduce the number of buses from 6 an hour to 3 - if that?  Of course, when they arrive at a stop nobody can get on because they are full to the brim.  Truly helpful - who for?Also, the number of buses that stop before their destination is irritating to say the least!  The latest "fad" is for buses to decant all passengers by the Litton Grove stop and continue to the Green Man empty!!  Grrrrrr!The aim is to get people out of cars and to use public transport.  If there is no public transport......The queues on Putney Hill and Putney High Street - in both directions - may be caused by volume of cars.  But the synchronization of lights is beyond a joke, the narrowing of the High Street does not help and the road works lately have caused more than chaos. You rant about the number of cars implying it is lazy people who drive for say 2 miles.  You have not included in your equation all those extra Ubers that have been licensed. "Latest TfL figures show that there are just over 17,000 licensed taxi drivers in London but more than 108,000 minicab drivers.There are only 14,600 black cabs but more than 94,000 licensed minicabs." have drivers only when en route to collect passengers and the same after they have reached destination.If your idea of extra LTNs is to go by, just check what is happening in Fulham.  From personal experience, LTNs cause more chaos than solve any problems you proclaim.Not all drivers are out there for an outing.  Many do need to use their cars.  I can give you examples if you so wish.I have mentioned endlessly that all cars in Putney do not originate in Putney but beyond the M25.  Find solutions for park and ride and it will make everybody's life much easier.And provide reliable public transport.  Not everybody can walk distances or ride a bike. I could go on but will not bore you any further.

Ivonne Holliday ● 76d