Random pic 6 November 2024
The Book of the Fixed Stars, original by Abd al Rahman al-Sufi, AD 964 (British Museum Silk Road exhibition) https://flic.kr/p/2qq9SktMapping the starsThe Book of the Fixed Stars contains detailed star charts describing northern and southern constellations, and constellations of the zodiac. Its author, al-Sufi, produced dual illustrations of constellations - the upper image as portrayed on a celestial globe, and the lower as viewed directly in the night sky. Building on ancient Greek astronomy, the Book of the Fixed Stars was compiled by the Persian astronomer al-Sufi (AD 903-86), who worked at the court at Isfahan. A Persian writing in Arabic, he translated and built on ancient Greek and Roman astronomical studies. The book describes 48 constellations, including their longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, enabling greater precision in navigating the stars. Al-Sufi's son, Ibn al-Sufi, continued his father's legacy by writing poems about the stars.Possibly Maragheh, Iran. Original by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi, AD 964; this version 1260-80 British Library, London, Or.5323, folios 45v-46r
Purchased from Gulbenkian and Co.
[Text from British Museum labels]
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