Racial inequality?
It is sad to see how people, who are frightened of there being too many immigrants currently, have no sympathy for the Arab majority of Palestine who faced migration which was designed to turn them into second-class citizens in what they might have expected was to become their own state after the end of World War One.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region)Even Balfour himself admitted that it was so:-"The second difficulty, on which I shall only say a word, arises from the fact that the critics of this movement shelter themselves behind the phrase—but it is more than a phrase—behind the principle of self-determination, and say that, if you apply that principle logically and honestly, it is to the majority of the existing population of Palestine that the future destinies of Palestine should be committed."But weaselled his way out of it. A special case, apparently.And there we go. And here we are.
David Ainsworth ● 82d0 Comments