Appears to be another shop going to open where the Mountain Warehouse used to be, a Butchers and food. Only saw the sign when coming out of the road opposite.
Barbara Stevens ● 91d6 Comments
We would all love this type of shop but the big question is would it get used enough on a regular basis to show a profit for the owner to live on ? Unless for retirement or lease renewal people do not shut profitable businesses.
Andy Pike ● 90d
The addition of a proper fresh fish shop would be a real boon.
Alexander MacLeod ● 90d
Also Gibney's Lacy Rd.
Barbara Stevens ● 90d
Yes Tim, I moved here in 71. You had Dewhurst, one opposite Chelverton Rd, also another one on the URR going towards the old Post Office. Tim you have remembered better than me.
That’s good news, Barbara.When I moved to Putney in 1972, there were four butchers shops and two wet fish shops.
Tim Warren ● 90d
Fantastic addition to the high street. One of many types of shops missing. Mountain Warehouse is nasty rubbish kit made far away overseas by cheap labour. Blacks have much better quality brands.
Graham Earl ● 90d