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'Whoever is responsible for the wanton indiscriminate maiming of so many in Lebanon via exploding pagers is, in my opinion, afflicted by a crazed bloodlust and like a suffering animal ought to be relieved of its suffering'. Does this mean the state of Israel should be annihilated ?'The slaughter of innocents, of which currently there are many thousands, especially children and babies, in the middle-east, must be brought to an end: where are the Statesmen and Women to achieve this'?Where indeed.Certainly not on the Palestinian side whilst there is still support for Hamas and also not at the UN.'The UN General Assembly has adopted a Palestinian-drafted, non-binding resolution demanding Israel end "its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" within 12 months.There were 124 votes in favour and 14 against, including Israel, along with 43 abstentions. As a non-member observer state, Palestine could not vote'. BBC News.The UK did a Fleur and abstained - 'The UK’s ambassador, Barbara Woodward, explained that it had abstained “not because we do not support the central findings of the ICJ's advisory opinion, but rather because the resolution does not provide sufficient clarity to effectively advance our shared aim of a peace premised on a negotiated two-state solution”.Also the UN has never condemned Palestinian terror group Hamas for its atrocities 'Before their overwhelming vote Friday (March 2024) in favor of a humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas, the United Nations rejected an amendment to the resolution that would have condemned the October 7 Hamas terror attacks and demanded humane treatment of hostages while calling for their immediate release'.

John Hawkes ● 38d