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It doesn’t. Here is a commentary from Mark Kieran of Open Britain. I don’t think he is a Farage fan. QUOTEIf you tuned into LBC this morning, you may have heard the MP for Clacton spewing noxious and inflammatory lies, which went almost entirely unchallenged by Nick Ferrari.The whole process of political dishonesty played out in front of us. First, false rumours are spread online. Then they’re echoed by edgy politicians. Finally, they’re legitimised by complacent traditional media. It’s a move straight from the far-right playbook and we need to stamp it out.This interview highlights exactly why Open Britain is working through our new All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Fair Elections - run jointly with our friends at Fair Vote UK - to challenge the system of lies and deceit that is poisoning our politics and eroding trust in our democratic system. Once again, we find ourselves in a face-off with Farage – and we need your support to win.In one short interview, Farage rattled off a long list of lies, deflections, and conspiracies that exist purely to dodge accountability, divide the public, and inflame hatred. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but in the span of half an hour, Farage:- Claimed that he still hasn’t gotten his way on Brexit – despite the fact that he got practically everything he wanted from Boris Johnson’s barebones deal.- Evaded questions about his almost constant absence from Clacton, dodging accusations from constituents about not answering emails.- Blamed literally everyone else for the summer race riots and refused to apologise for his role in fanning the flames, despite the fact that the violence can be traced to rumours he actively helped spread online.- Defended the January 6th 2021 insurrection in the United States, calling it a “meeting” and avoiding questions about Trump’s culpability.- Endorsed Trump’s fabricated conspiracy theory about Haitian migrants in Ohio eating people’s pets, dangerous rhetoric that has already triggered multiple bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio.Although Nick Ferrari asked a few follow-up questions, most of these claims were left unchallenged, drifting into the public conversation unchecked. It’s obvious that baseless lies and deflections, spread from anonymous online accounts to politicians and the media, have significant potential to undermine our democracy.So, we’re not just fighting for a fairer voting system…we’re also pushing for a major overhaul of our unregulated digital space. Politicians must be held accountable for their words, and the media must step up with real journalistic integrity, instead of offering easy questions and flattering interviews.To be clear, this issue goes far beyond Nigel Farage. But he, perhaps more than anyone else, embodies what is wrong with our political system and what we urgently need to fix. We can’t allow him to lead us down this path…he’s done enough damage to our country already.UNQUOTE

Jonathan Callaway ● 37d

Time does not stand still.As mentioned before, the EU are trying to get the new Dublin agreement up and running. It finally published the framework this year.Perhaps some people missed the news this week that Germany unilaterally suspended the Shengan agreement for six months.Apparently it pissed off Tusk who had been critical of his predecessor for tougher border controls and now makes Germany's criticism of Hungary look hollow.Under the new EU agreement more data will be collected, including facial images data will be collected for everyone over the age of six rather than 14.Germany are already returning some failed asylum Afghans back to Afghanistan.One of the casualties a few weeks ago that drowned in the Channel was a daughter of a failed asylum seeker. Germany had turned the family down so they tried to cross from France. One daughter was killed in the process, from over crowding on the boat if I recall correctly. She had another daughter that didn't manage to get on the boat who was wheel chair bound. Possibly the same family but a child needing a wheelchair arrived at Dover a few weeks ago. This case raises a lot of questions concerning Germany's process and the mother putting children at risk none of which the Dublin agreement will answer.The use of third party countries for holding and processing refugees looks likely.The only thing the EU isn't doing is reducing the number of refugees being created in the first place. Germany is following US policy so I expect little or no change."In February 2024, Parliament and EU countries agreed on the final text of the legislative files making up the new pact on migration and asylum, establishing new rules on the management of asylum and migration flows. After the complete package was adopted in April 2024, EU countries have two years to adopt the new system into their national laws."

Ed Robinson ● 40d