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@Steven Rose 15.24'Unfortunately there is a stereotype current among many Pakistani men that English girls, who are not subject to the same restrictions as Pakistani girls, have no sexual morals and are therefore fair game. The criminals who abused those two girls were no doubt emboldened by this stereotype. But they were careful to choose vulnerable girls in care who had no family to protect them.A disturbing aspect of the case is that, as Ed pointed out,  the authorities were aware of the abuse in Rotherham, but were afraid to intervene for fear of being accused of racism.'Thankyou Steven for not tip-toeing around this issue and posting the actuality of what happened. Unfortunately there has been a massive conspiracy of silence involving the police, the **DDP/CPS, central and local Government, and to a large extent the MSM that were increasingly muzzled under the threat of being labelled racist. The exception being the Daily Mail, that was not afraid to champion for justice for these poor girls, some of them just children. This scandal had been going on for decades but was highlighted by the *Jay Report in 2014'Monday 26 August marks 10 years since the publication of the Jay Report, an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham. The report found at least 1,400 underage girls, some as young as 11, had been abused between 1997 and 2013 in the South Yorkshire town. What followed were disturbing revelations about how these children had been raped, trafficked and intimidated, predominantly by men of Pakistani heritage.' 'In November 2010, five men from the town's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences against underage girls. There were already suspicions however, that the scale of the town's problem was far more widespread.In September 2012, journalist Andrew Norfolk published an article in The Times based on a police report about the extent of the issue. It revealed children in Rotherham were being abused "on an unprecedented scale" by networks of mainly British Pakistani men.Offences went unprosecuted despite police and child protection agencies in Rotherham having had knowledge of these crimes for decades, the newspaper said.'Incidentally **Starmer was head of the DPP/CPS from 2008-2014 when he resigned. Just in time before the s##t hit the fan?Nigel Farage was publicly speaking out about these disgusting pigs (apologies to 🐷🐷) as far back as 2015 but became public enemy no.1 because of his dogged determination to see them brought to justice. He used to have e regular 6-7 pm slot on LBC and he often spoke about the grooming gangs in Rotherham and Rochdale and other Northern cities. However his contract was not renewed, aka sacked, in 2020. I wonder why? I know all you Lefties become bilious when I post about Farage but if you can bear it please listen to this:The Nigel Farage Show 10th August 2017 course the Guardian had to put a negative spin on his efforts to to bring these heinous crimes*The report - written by Professor Alexis Jay - criticised Rotherham Council for failing to protect the victims, and said it had not addressed the "scale" of grooming prior to 2014.**Much of this heinous criminality was known about under Starmer's watch so why did he ignore it!? He was supposedly a renowned human rights lawyer so why didn't he care about these abused girls' human rights?? The man is nothing but a weak self-serving pious fraud!

Sue Hammond ● 41d