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Douglas Bader Reception

Went with my other half he had physio today, I waited in reception, before he went in, an elderly lady stood up and turned to me and said I've been waiting 4 hours for a Ambulance to take me home.  I said can I get you a drink of water, so as I walked past the reception I said that lady has been waiting 4 hrs to get home. So I walked across to get her the water, but didn't have a chance as this aggressive receptionist started hurling abuse at me, what's it got to do with you screaming and I mean screaming, waving her arms about.  I still hadn't got the water. So luckily i turned round and 3 men todo with the hospital were standing there, So I said the lady had been waiting ages, I've only come to get her some water.  In the end my other half told her perhaps your in the wrong job. Anyway this went on and on.  My other half was then called in for his appointment. I sat quietly, then the receptionist was having a tea break and made a point of walking past this elderly lady and started talking to her aggressive and pointing her finger at her saying don't start on the Ambulance when he comes, or telling them what to . So after she went out the door I went and sat with the elderly lady to keep her company and to stop the receptionist having another go at her.  The poor lady was sitting really quiet, she was still there when it was time for us to go, making that 5hrs.  The receptionist needs a right talking to.  She wasn't busy or loads of people waiting there was only about 3 people in the waiting room.  She really shouldn't be in the job. This was 2 this afternoon. Queen Mary's Roehampton.

Barbara Stevens ● 18d20 Comments